About Page Mountain LLC

Publishing started the first time a caveman painted a story of the hunt on a wall or drew pictoglyphs on a slate and gave it to another caveman.  Not much has changed in why we publish, but the web brings some new advantages and hazards for publishing.  Page Mountain explores and deploys technology to achieve what publishing has always delivered: information and exposure to a ready audience for its customers.  Integrating client operations to maintain content; ecommerce transactions; mailing list management; video production and many  other aspects for message delivery and interaction with the pulic.

With a background in publishing starting with helping run a small publishing house in college, founder Mark Burgess (more about Mark Burgess) recognized the value of the Internet from its very beginnings.  In 1994, he co-founded the Data Transfer Group in San Diego as the city's 3rd provider of dialup services (after CERFnet and CTSnet.)  Since then, he was responsible for starting many of the regions prominent web sites including:

  • KPBS Radio and TV (kpbs.org) as the first registrant of the domain and operated it for four years;
  • The San Diego Tourism Authority (sandiego.org) as the first registrant of the domain and ran it for 10 years;
  • The first web site for Legoland California (now offline legolandca.com) which won Best of All Large Theme Parks in 1999.
  • Ran the web site for the Del Mar Fairgrounds for four years, acquiring sdfair.com for them
  • Restructured and redesigned San Diego Magazine (sandiegomagazine.com) to move it from Google's page 40 to page 1 and ran the site for three years;
  • Streamed live video of the construction of the world's largest sand castle from a 30 foot high scaffold on Fiesta Island in 1997
  • the largest (at the time in 1997) Direct Public Offering on the Internet approved by the SEC for Directional Robotics

In 2000, he rebranded his company as sandiego.com, Inc. and grew it to over 300,000 unique visitors a month with revenues from advertising and hotel reservations ($1.2m in hotel rooms the first year) as one of the richest sources for local information in San Diego.

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